Birmigham’s REPOWR Brings “Asset-As-A-Service” Model To Trucking

The co-founders of REPOWR know all about the traditional inefficiencies surrounding the logistics industry. 

Patrick Visintainer and Spencer Ware, who worked in logistics and transportation insurance and liability respectively, saw that trucks were often underutilized when it came to moving things from point A to point B. 

“[We] saw the inefficiencies, downtime, and cost that went into running a fleet,” Visintainer told Hypepotamus via email. “[We] came together and after extensive research and talking with companies saw the importance of asset utilization for these companies to be successful.”

REPOWR works as a marketplace for truck and trailer rentals. And we aren’t talking about pickup trucks; the marketplace lists flatbed trailers, dry bans, semi-trailers, and large refrigerated trailers known as reefers.

The startup estimates that underutilized trucks and trailers leave $45 billion on the table overall.

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